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Water Meters
The business management guru Peter Ducker said, “if you do not measure it you cannot improve it.” We would go further to say if you do not measure you do not know if you have improved. Measurement thus forms a key component in understanding the water use and water issues in an area. EkoSource works with several smart meter suppliers to get the best metering options possible.
Measurement enables the users to get a better understanding of water use and potential problems you may have with your water consumption.
The benefits of installing a smart meter in the household.
Early leak detection
It enables you to check the accuracy of water bills from the council.
It helps for a better understanding of different items for household water use.
Assists in benchmarking your water use against other water users and identifying areas of easy water savings.
These are the main water meter providers we work with:
Kamstrup Smart Water Meters
Electromagnetic and ultrasonic technology combined with remote reading, advanced pressure and leakage surveillance and high-end user involvement. Kamstrup meters can withstand sediment, sand or algae, are highly accurate and require no maintenance. Kamstrup meters are intended for use across residences, bulk, industry, mining and agriculture. The bulk water solutions are powered by Siemens.
Currently these items are not available on our web store. Please contact us directly for a quote.
SAFMAG Electromagnetic FlowMeters
Highly accurate and maintenance free, electro-magnetic flowmeters, reliable even when sediment, sand or algae are in the system. SAFMAG flowmeters are intended for use in residences, bulk, industry, mining, and agriculture. SAFMAG flowmeters are able to detect leaks and provide early warning of potential bursts, relaying information to another Smart device.
Currently these items are not available on our web store. Please contact us directly for a quote.
Waterwatch Water Meters
Waterwatch Water Meters work on pre-paid water schemes, are highly cost effective and run on pistons, lessening the likelihood of wear and tear associated with older generation water meters. Waterwatch meters can detect leaks and potential problems and relay information to a central source.
Currently these items are not available on our web store. Please contact us directly for a quote.