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Garden Hose Sprinkler

Water-Saving Tips - Lawn Care

Water reuse is another area where water savings can be recognized. EkoSource has information relating to re-usable water fit for purpose and designs for DIY grey water recycling systems. EkoSource is able to provide a number of greywater recycling systems which can be used to provide gardening water and water to flush your toilets, thereby reducing your water bill substantially.  


Please contact us directly for a quote or query.  


Hire a qualified professional to install your irrigation system and keep it working properly and efficiently.


When installing a lawn, select a lawn mix or blend that matches your climate and site conditions.


Avoid overseeding your lawn with winter grass.


Catch water in an empty tuna can to measure sprinkler output. 3/4 to 1 inch of water is enough to apply each time you irrigate.


Hire a Certified professional landscaper who has received training that is specific to your area.


Aerate your lawn periodically. Holes every six inches will allow water to reach the roots, rather than run off the surface.


Remember to weed your lawn and garden regularly. Weeds compete with other plants for nutrients, light and water.


Adjust your lawn mower to the height of 1.5 to 2 inches. Taller grass shades roots and holds soil moisture better than short grass.


If walking across the lawn leaves footprints (blades don’t spring back up), then it is time to water.


While fertilizers promote plant growth, they also increase water consumption. Apply the minimum amount of fertilizer needed.


Leave lawn clippings on your grass, this cools the ground and holds in moisture.


Let your lawn go dormant (brown) during the winter. Dormant grass only needs to be watered every three to four weeks, less if it rains.


Water your summer lawns once every three days and your winter lawn once every five days.

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